Djalkiriŋur Rälmanapanmirr

Women's Djalkirri
The focus of the Women’s program "Senior girls learning from Senior Women" is to support the women of Galiwinku to maintain and develop their wellbeing, nurture women and children, and to increase oportunities to access cultural activities. The team provide opportunities to engage in ceremony, spend time in the bush, and pass on knowledge.
The Women program is to help the young women's to learn how will they proctor them self in matters personal women needs.
Melkarri ( cry and sing all the creation that we see )
connect with young women
Weaving & Necklace
Learning Bush Medicine
Connect with baby hub & Miwatj for smoking ceremony for baby and the mother
women's Raypirri rom
Feed bush food form those that are under weight baby and help them to regrow to be a healthy baby
visit Aged Care for Yarning

Mens Djalkirri
The focus of the Mens Djalkirri program is to support the men of Galiwinku to maintain and develop their wellbeing, stay connected to their culture, land and water, and to improve community safety by supporting men to reconnect with culture.
Our programs explore aspects of culture in Djalkiri ( Foundation) focusing on who we are and where we come from. It is to identify our self through our culture and to teach our kids for the future as they will will be the future leaders for their generation.
Men's Djalkirir (foundation) is footprints in times that you can learn from the dusk beneath you because we know every rock, roots, vein, trees and branches. When the seeds drops down to the ground we nurture our seeds and rise again.
The Men's Djalkirri Program interweaves the following foundations;
Cultural training/education
Giving principles to our children through cultural awareness
Classifying our kids in terms of Yolngu wisdom of who they are and where we come from
Following the lore in Yolŋu oath
Teaching song lines
Raypirri Rom
Spear making
Hunting or collect bush materials